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Supported by

  • Smart City, Village, and Region Research Group, Department of Development Geography, Faculty of Geography, UGM
  • Master Program in Regional Development, Faculty of Geography, UGM


Smart City, Village, and Region Summer Course 2021 is an online short-term intensive course organized by Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. This summer course is designed for student who are willing to learn and work hard to improve their understanding, knowledge and skill in smart city, village, and region. All courses are taught in English. This course is intended for second to last year undergraduate student and master student. It is also opened for anyone with a broad interest and curious mind regarding this topic. Not only students will learn the necessary knowledge in class, but they will also do virtual field trip and excursion in their local area to do direct observation of smart city, village, and region implementation.

SCVR Summer Course had been running since 2017. In 2018, SCVR Summer Course continued to run with improvement and contextualization toward latest issues in smart city, village, and regional.

Method & Output

Smart City, Village, and Region summer course 2021 offers various learning methods using online media. Combining in-class learning, information technology, and chance to do local field observation, this course aims the student to get most of experiences regarding knowledge of smart city, village, and region as a whole. Students would also learn how to do the exercise in teamwork and group discussion. In the end of the course, all students must give a presentation from their finding of exercise and discussion, enriching their understanding through knowledge exchanges.

Learning Outcome

1. Knowledge and Understanding

2. Intelectual Capability

3. Practical Skill

4. Managerial Skill

  1. Knowledge and Understanding

  • Introduction of Smart City, Village and Region
  • Understanding Cities, Villages and Regions and Identification of Problems (The Urgency of Smart City)
  • Concept and Definition of Smart City, Village, and Region
  • Infrastructure (Technical Aspect) for Supporting Smart City, Village, and Region
  • Aspect of Information Technology for Smart City, Village, and Region
  • Social-Political Aspects of Smart City, Village, and Region
  • Implementation of Smart City, Village, and Region: Elements, Indicators, Application
  • Smart City & Urban Planning
  • Smart City for Sustainable Urban Development
  • Smart Green Cities & Smart Economy
  • Smart Cities in Enable Urban Environmental Management
  • Smart Transportation & Mobility
  • Smart Health
  • Smart Mitigation
  1. Intellectual Capability

  • Evaluation of Implementation on Smart City, Village, and Region
  • Case Study of Smart City, Village and Region in Asian Countries
  1. Practical Skill

  • Fieldtrip (Virtual Fieldtrip) and excercise
  • Presentation
  1. Managerial Skill

  • Team work
  • Project management


Project Coordinator

Dr. Rini Rachmawati, S.Si., M.T.


Dr. Estuning Tyas Wulan Mei, S.Si., M.Sc., M.Si.

Public Relation

Hilary Reinhart, S.T., M.Sc. (


